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IVA Incluido

Sirena StreamLine, perfil bajo, compatible con CE, 9-28Vcc, gris


Model LP4 low profile, electronic piezo sounder is a compact multi-tone sounder ideal for OEM and general alarm applications. The low voltage LP4 provides users with the choice of 32 different tones, selectable during installation. Each electrical connection has two terminals for looping in and out, eliminating the need for a separate terminal block, making installation easier. A second tone is available if a third wire is installed and connected to the second tone terminals.
The rugged white ABS housing provides a high degree of strength and protection from the elements.
The shallow base provides for flush mount wiring, and features a unique twist assembly for easy installation. A deep base with knockouts is available as an option.


Operating Current4-33mA
Operating Current-13 °F
Operating Current158 °F

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